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Arkansas Association of Student Councils


This page will contain some news about the AASC. This will be updated frequently.

APRIL 2006


AASC State Conference - What an experience!

"An Essential Piece"

The AASC State Conference was held on April 7th-8th at Camp Couchdale on Lake Catherine outside of beautiful Hot Springs. There were approximately 150 delegates in attendance, along with many wonderful advisors. A total of 18 schools were represented. The program was packed with lots of fun leadership building activities and exercise activities. We owe a huge thank you to Ms. Phyllis Martin, Mr. Danny Collie, the board members, and the officer schools for putting together such a tremendous program! The 2005-2006 AASC state officers did an excellent job of leading the conference and the mixers/activities. They were both professional and prompt at all times - excellent role models for our new officer schools.

The theme of the conference "An Essential Piece" reminded each and every one of us that we are all essential to our families, our schools, and our communities. It takes all types to make the world go around so we must always make an effort to work together and include everyone in our day to day activities.


On Friday evening of the conference, we were honored by entertainment provided by Miss Arkansas, Eudora Mosby. Miss Mosby sang two beautiful songs that started our weekend with a bang! As always, the discussion groups were excellent both days. We owe a huge thank you to Parkview Magnet High School and Mrs. Vannessa Pace-Hampton for creating such useful sessions. All of the students came away with new and exciting ideas that they can put to use at their own schools.

During our first general session on Friday evening, Miss Arkansas spoke to us about the importance of organ and tissue donations. She reminded us that our lifestyles, the way we eat and the amount of exercise we get, affect our health. If we lead healthy lives, it might prevent us from ever needing an organ or tissue donation. Also, if we lead healthy lives, we will be better suited to donate organs and tissue to those in need. Miss Mosby stressed the importance of talking to your family members about your decision to become an organ or tissue donor so they will know and be able to respect your wishes.


Saturday morning began with an amazing "country breakfast" followed by a moving flag raising ceremony. All those present were challenged to remember that for which the flag stands and to remember how we received the title of being a free people. A question was asked before the ceremony, "how many of you know someone personally that has been involved in the war in the Middle East?" It was both sad and comforting to see so many upraised hands. It is sad because we know there is always a risk of loosing someone we love, but more importantly, it is a comfort to know that there are so many who love us, and America, enough to put their lives on the line to ensure the future of a free and safe people.

Before heading out on our grand adventure to Garvin Woodland Botanical Gardens, Mr. George Lieux taught the delegates a little something about team work. The students, in teams, were challenged to be the first team to finish a puzzle given to them by Mr. Lieux, of course there was a catch! Each team was missing one or more pieces to their puzzle and had extra pieces. The challenge came from figuring out where their missing pieces were, and what to do with their extra pieces. The interesting part was that an opposing team held their missing piece(s). We owe Mr. Lieux a huge "Thank You" for putting this activity together!

Our next stop was the beautiful Garvin Woodland Botanical Gardens located just outside of Hot Springs. Our visit was timed perfectly as it was in the middle of the blooming season for tulips! The view was absolutely spectacular and very serene. Many enjoyed the beautiful photo opportunities presented by the surroundings - even a beautiful bride-to-be was seen being photographed.

*Just a few examples of the fun had and the beautiful flowers seen at Garvin Woodland Botanical Gardens.

On Saturday afternoon, everyone participated in a service project that benefited Camp Couchdale. Everyone chipped in a helped pick up sticks and rake leaves and pine straw in order to clean up the grounds. In a short amount of time, Camp Couchdale looked excellent. Everyone really worked hard and had a good time.

*1st photo: Current AASC Secretary, Nicholas Brooks, leads a group.

*2nd photo: Some of our council members raked in style.

*3rd photo: Our 2006-2007 AASC Vice President School, Smackover HS, is hard at work!

The second general session was made very entertaining by our guest speaker Mr. Patrick Henry. Mr. Henry, an award winning songwriter, musician, and singer, spoke to us about the importance of leadership and team building. Mr. Henry relayed these important thoughts while playing his guitar and singing some very fun, entertaining, and meaningful songs. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed him being a part of our conference!

Following the second general session, we were entertained by the schools running for State Officer positions. This year's skits were some of the best we have seen in a while! From Mary Poppins to an Academy Awards show, everyone got a glimpse of how great our new state officers are going be! Our new 2006-2007 State Officer Schools are listed below:

President School - Rogers High School

Vice President School - Smackover High School

Secretary School - Morrilton High School

Reporter School - Parkview Magnet High School

Other entertainment was provided by former AASC Executive Director, Mr. Larry Loux. Mr. Loux taught the delegates the art of folk dancing. Some of the students were initially unimpressed by the idea of "folk dancing," but by the end of the session everyone had a huge smile on their face! Thank you Mr. Loux for taking the time to be a part of our program this year!

Awards Banquet - The awards banquet was hosted on Saturday night by Carlisle High School. They did an excellent job with the decorations!

Charity Report - As most of you already know, the AASC charity chosen for the 2005-2006 year was Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA). If you are unfamiliar with CASA, please visit http://www.arkansascasa.org <http://www.arkansascasa.org/> for stories of lives changed by CASA, and for information about your local CASA.

Many schools raised money for their local CASA by having fundraisers such as Penny Wars, Soup Suppers, and Krispy Crème donuts sales, while other schools had office & school supply drives for their local CASA. One school stood out among the others in their fundraising efforts. Delight High School had one week that they dedicated to fundraising in which several different charities were honored by their efforts. They raised money for Arkansas Food Bank, Habitat for Humanity, Hurricane Katrina Victims, and CASA. We applaud them for their efforts in spreading their wealth to the many wonderful charities around us. Thank you and all of the other AASC member schools involved in charity fundraising for being inspiring role models!

Administrator of the Year - Mr. Chip Layne, Superintendent of Bay High School, was honored with the title of Administrator of the Year. Mr. Layne has been a major supporter of the Bay High School Student Council. He was accompanied by his wife to accept the award. We are truly thankful for administrators that are encouraging and supportive of all student councils across the nation.

Project Winners - Congratulations to each winner in the Project Competitions! The winners are listed below:

*Fund Raising - Delight High School

*Membership Motivation & Development - Parkview Magnet

*School Service - Mountain Home Jr. High

*School Spirit - Smackover High School

*Student Faculty Relations - Delight High School

*Who Cares - Rogers High School

*Community Service - Carlisle High School

Scholarship Winners - Stephanie Dyar, State Reporter from Lafayette County High School, received the Cecil Bell Leadership Scholarship and Kayla Whitley, from Bald Knob High School, received the Charles F. Allen Scholarship. Both scholarships were for the amount of $500. Congratulations to you both!

Advisor of the Year - Ms. Vanessa Pace-Hampton, advisor at Parkview Magnet High School, was nominated by her student council as advisor of the year. You could see their joy and excitement when her name was read at the awards banquet! Ms. Pace-Hampton has been involved in AASC for many years. Her students appreciate what a jewel they have in Ms. Pace-Hampton. She is always very giving of her time and efforts to see that her council gets the job done and gets it done right. We all look forward to Parkview Magnet High School remaining as an officer school for the 2006-2007 season, and we owe her and her council another huge "thank you" for putting together wonderful leadership training sessions for this year's state conference.

Member of the Year - Wesley Duckworth, from Flippin High School, was awarded Member of the Year. Wesley has been involved in student council for several years. It was said that Wesley started out in student council as a shy, quiet student, but we all know that he has developed into an excellent leader. When Wesley makes a commitment, he makes sure that he follows through. Because of his commitment and dedication to AASC, Wesley missed his Senior Night at his high school to help with the Jr. High Retreat in February. He is an excellent role model for our younger delegates, and we commend him for his commitment, honor, and dedication.

A Special Honor - This year is a sad one for many who have worked with Ms. Phyllis Martin over the years. Ms. Martin announced her retirement from the position of Executive Director earlier in the year. Ms. Martin has been involved with the many different facets of student council for many years. She is an amazing woman. Ms. Martin was honored with a gift from the AASC Board Members for being a great leader and friend. We will definitely feel a void when she is not with us at the AASC events, but we will always hold dear the things she has taught us and the friendships we made.

On the bright side, highly respected and well loved, Mr. Danny Collie was nominated to replace Ms. Martin as Executive Direction of AASC. Mr. Collie has been responsible for putting together the amazing Summer Workshop and Jr. High Retreat programs the last several years. His strong leadership and organizational skills will be well put to use in his new position!

The banquet closed after the installation of new officers was complete. Following the banquet, everyone had a chance to hang out at the dance before heading home!

You are invited to join the AASC Circus at this year's Summer Leadership Workshop, July 18th - July 21st!

The summer workshop will be held at Henderson State University in Arkadelphia. Registration fees are $140 per person. This cost includes lodging for four nights, all meals, two t-shirts, and all the fun and laughter you can handle. The goal of the summer leadership workshop is to facilitate learning of team building, problem solving, and meeting skills. You will learn how to jump through flaming hoops and balance on a ball to achieve your goals - whatever it takes!

If you have not received your summer workshop registration information, please contact Mr. Collie at danny.collie@lh.dsc.k12.ar.us. To prevent late fees, registration information and payment must be postmarked prior to June 16th!

We hope to see you under the big top!

Just a Reminder: It is now time to renew your membership for the 2006-2007 school year!


Danny Collie, Executive Director
280 Wolfe Drive
Pearcy, AR 71964